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Invisalign® Versus Traditional Braces

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized
Young man holding up Invisalign retainer while smiling

If you think it’s time to straighten your teeth, don’t worry that you’re overly focused on your appearance. While straight teeth are more attractive, they’re also healthier. Straightening your teeth and aligning your bite improves your oral health and protects your teeth.

Whether you’re interested in tooth straightening for yourself or for your child, you have more options now than ever before in the history of dentistry and orthodontics. In addition to wire-and-bracket braces made of acrylic or metal, you can also choose Invisalign® removable alignment trays.

At Dental Town DC, in Washington, DC, our team offer both traditional and clear braces, in addition to Invisalign. Which option is best for you or your child? Read on to get an idea of the benefits of each.

Invisalign is discreet

Though it may seem that Invisalign has been around for many decades, these clear trays were just an idea a generation ago. The first removable, comfortable, and nearly invisible alignment trays hit the market in 2004. By 2012, more than two million women, men, and teens had chosen Invisalign over traditional braces.

Not surprisingly, the Invisalign system is virtually invisible. The trays are designed and cut to match your teeth and gums so that almost nobody can tell you’re wearing them, unless they’re very close to you. The patented SmartTrack® material that the labs use to make Invisalign trays gently, discreetly, and comfortable realign your teeth.

Invisalign doesn’t just look nearly invisible, it has a minimum impact on how you eat, talk, and behave. You don’t have to modify your diet by eating only foods that are easy on braces. You continue to eat as you always have. Just pop out your Invisalign trays while you eat or clean your teeth.

The ease with Invisalign starts with your first consultation, when the doctor creates a 3-D digital map of your current tooth positions. If you’ve ever had conventional dental impressions made, you’ll know it’s an awkward and uncomfortable process, filling your mouth with bulky molds and sticky alginate.

In contrast, to fit you for Invisalign, the dentist uses a 3-D digital imaging device called the iTero Element® scanner. The scanner is about the size of a ballpoint pen, and it forms an accurate digital model of your teeth and gums easily and comfortably.

After taking your digital impressions, our dentist develops a customized plan that gradually and permanently realigns your teeth. The lab uses her information to create a series of graduated trays, which you change every week or two.

The process also creates a graphic that shows the current position of your teeth and illustrates how they’ll move into their new position over time. You get to see a preview of your beautiful new smile even before you’ve slipped on your first tray.

Braces are low maintenance

The downside of Invisalign is that the patient must be disciplined and committed enough to wear the trays at least 20 to 22 hours per day. They must also remember to change the trays every week or two, depending on their dentist’s treatment plan.

Invisalign has a system called Invisalign Teen® that features blue compliance dots to remind your kid to change their trays on time. However, if they forget to wear their trays during the day, or tend to lose or break things, Invisalign might not be the best choice for them.

Another factor in choosing between braces and Invisalign is how complex the alignment issue is. While Invisalign can handle most complex cases with a series of SmartForce® attachments that rotate, pull, and push teeth with greater force than the trays alone, you or your child’s case may be too complex for trays.

In addition, the Invisalign system requires that the trays anchor on the back molars, which remain stationary during treatment. You might need to choose conventional braces if those molars require movement themselves. At Dental Town DC, you might choose clear acrylic braces over metal braces for both discretion and comfort.

For most patients, though, Invisalign is the most convenient, comfortable, and attractive option. To set up your braces or Invisalign consultation, contact our office at Dental Town DC by calling our friendly staff or using our online scheduling tool today.

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