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Washington DC Ranks Third in Dental Health Report

Posted on: December 19th, 2022 | Categories: Local Dentistry

A report on the state of oral health across the country compared the states and Washington DC on 26 metrics including percentage of adults who have experienced dental pain in the past year and affordability of dental care. The report ranked the states based on these metrics and found that Washington DC ranked third.

Seeing as the report takes into account things like dentists per capita, it might be tempting to dismiss the findings for DC on account that it’s just looking at a metro area while for the others it’s looking at a whole state. It’s worth noting, however, that the dentists per capita metric in DC is still high considering that it’s on par with Boston, the biggest city in the state with the second highest dentists per capita.

This competitive market may have positive implications for patients. For one, anyone looking for a dentist near them in DC has many options to choose from, including Dental Town DC‘s dental office in downtown Washington DC. This ease of access is likely a contributing factor as to why the report found that DC ranked third lowest in terms of percentage of adults who’ve experienced dental pain in the past year. This could also contribute to the fact that DC ranked second lowest for percentage of adults reporting low life satisfaction due to oral health problems.

The competitive market may also be a contributing factor to the relatively affordable cost of dentistry in DC. While the dentistry isn’t as cheap in places with a low cost of living such as Alabama, Kentucky, or Tennessee, it isn’t as expensive as comparable states such as Massachusetts or Connecticut.

This high concentration of dentists is also likely the a contributing factor as to why DC has the 5th highest percentage of adults who have visited a dentist in the past year.

At Dental Town DC, we’re proud of this city and the good oral health of its residents. If you are looking for a new dentist in the DC area, Dental Town DC would love to bring you in for a dental consultation and do its part to keep up the oral health statistics of this city.

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